2008 - 2011 武汉大学化学系,博士
2001 - 2004 武汉大学化学系,硕士
1997 – 2001 华中师范大学化学系,学士
2013.9 至今 武汉工程大学亚博取款速度非常的快教师
2011-2013 湖北省化学研究设计院博士后
2004-2008 温州医科大学教师
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4、AI Changchun, HU Yi, LIU Yang, SUN Jutang, TIAN Qifeng, WU Yuanxin;Aromatic Carbon Coated Tin Composites as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.18 No.3 (2013): 191-194.
3、Changchun Ai, Yong Xiao, Jinhua Feng, Liangjie Yuan; Large scale and environmentally friendly preparation of micro-submicron spherical silica and their surface effect in resin materials, Powder Technology, 210(2011): 323-327.
2、CHANGCHUN AI, MINGCAI YIN, CHIWEI WANG, JUTANG SUN; Synthesis and Characterization of spinel type ZnCo2O4 as a novel anode material for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Material Science, Vol39(2004): 1077-1079.
2.《一种锂离子电池正极材料及其制备方法》,专利号:ZL 201110267162.8。
2014 武汉工程大学青年教师教学比赛 一等奖